Saturday, January 29, 2011

INFORMATION : garbled Favicon.ico issues and troubleshooting

FavIcon.ico issues and troubleshooting

So I doubt anyone reads this blog but maybe someone out there in the internetz will find this information useful... if nothing else I guess this is a good place to store this information for myself...
So I've been trying to be cool like some of my friends and get myself a favicon for my website. you know the little icons that go beside the name of the website in the browser and show up in your favorites tabs, etc.... anyways... a few of my friends have them and I was getting jealous so yesterday I finally decided... DAMMIT, i need one... I created an image in photoshop from my vector logo and boom there I had it... i done got myself a beautiful favico..... or so i thought... I used a website ( HTML kit - Favicon ) and uploaded my image... downloaded the favicon.ico file... wicked looks good in preview (mac) and looks good in photoshop etc... nice... here we go.... I upload it to my site.. visit my site... and BAM FUCKING GARBLED FAVICON what the fuck... i don't get it... I start messing around with the file... realizing it was in cmyk... change that to rgb.... hmm still nothing... try different sizes... and bunch of other things... along with recreating in pixel art.... still nothing.. until.... I look at the colors in the color picker and..... They're NOT websafe!!!! I go back into my file... adjust the colors slightly to make them websafe... redo the process with the html kit website and re-upload my new favicon.ico file.... KAbloooey! it WORKS!!!!

SO.... in conclusion
if you have a garbled favicon.ico check your colors to make sure they are RGB + Websafe colors.

Hope this helps someone out there!